Summer Practice Sign Up is Now Live!

Experience the summer wrestling program designed to elevate your skills and propel you to new heights. Our comprehensive training regimen is centered around individual growth, enabling wrestlers to refine their technique and excel in the sport.

Throughout the program, we break down the fundamentals of wrestling, focusing on techniques that have proven effective at all ages. From mastering takedowns to perfecting escapes and pins, our sessions ensure a solid foundation for success. Additionally, we delve into advanced skills such as hand fighting, foot speed, and intense wrestling, equipping participants with a competitive edge.

As a coaching staff we believe that the summer presents an unparalleled opportunity to invest valuable time on the mat, free from the immediate pressures of competition. Our experienced coaching staff is committed to nurturing each wrestler's individual growth and skill development. With their expertise and guidance, participants receive personalized instruction and constructive feedback to maximize their potential.

Our program cultivates a supportive and inclusive environment, fostering camaraderie among participants. You'll train alongside like-minded individuals, benefiting from mutual motivation and collective improvement. Embrace the summer season as the perfect time to dedicate yourself to your craft, surrounded by a community of passionate wrestlers striving for greatness.

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